Spectrum사 새로운 AWG 제품 발표 M2p.65x3 and M2p.65x8 - 8 channel AWG > 새소식


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Spectrum사 새로운 AWG 제품 발표 M2p.65x3 and M2p.65x8 - 8 channel AWG

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 4,912회 작성일 19-05-21 16:01


독일에 위치한 ADC/DAC 전문제조사인 Spectrum사에서 8채널용 AWG(Abitrary Waveform Generator)를 발표하였습니다.

M2p.65x3 and M2p.65x8 - 8 channel AWG versions
We're proud to officially release the first 8 channel PCIe AWG
s in this speed range that have a large output swing of ±3 V into 50 Ohm on all channels:  

As the 8 channel versions offer the full output swing on all channels we need some additional cooling. Please note that the cooling will partly occupy the adjacent slot, making the 8 channel AWG models two slots in width. As the cooling is still in production the current picture only shows the plain card without cooling.

Press Kit
Here please find the press kit with the press release and high resolution product picture:
Please use it for your local media.

M2p.65xx AWG series shipments
The first cards of the M2p.65xx have been shipped to customers at the end of last week. Production is ramping up now with the 8 channel versions being available in a few weeks time.

M2p.65xx video ready to use
Note that to support these AWG
s we have created a new video. Please link and use the video for your marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZB3pJ8Z920


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