SPECTRUM digitizers help in race for world's first FUSION REACTOR > 새소식


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SPECTRUM digitizers help in race for world's first FUSION REACTOR

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 5,673회 작성일 19-06-05 10:48


Fusion Research is an exciting field were scientists are racing to find ways to harness a phenomena that offers the potential to solve the worlds energy problems. At the British company FLC they are striving to make the fusion process work successfully (more energy out than in). By 2024 they aim to be able to combine atoms like the sun, creating  limitless clean fusion energy that could potentially solve all the energy- and environment-problems of the world!

Unlike expensive conventional Fusion reactors, that use large magnetic fields and lasers to create the fusion-plasma, FLC has a radical low cost and much more novel approach. Inspired by the physics of the pistol shrimp they plan to unleash kinetic energy by firing a bullet in a vacuum. The process sets free power equivalent to 500 lightning-strikes in just one micro-second. And to help monitor the results they are using a 256-channel digitizer system from Spectrum! For further details about this fascinating new application please see the attached press release, which you can directly add to your web sites and send out to all your media contacts. Please find here the complete media kit including high resolution photos ready for download: https://spectrum-instrumentation.com/sites/default/files/download/20190605_spectrum_digitizers_help_in_race_for_fusion_energy.zip


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