New High Performance 24 Channel ARINC 429 Board from UEI > 새소식


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New High Performance 24 Channel ARINC 429 Board from UEI

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 6,924회 작성일 19-06-28 08:28


UEI is committed to providing the highest quality hardware, software and services, enabling engineers and scientists worldwide to interface

data-acquisition and control hardware to the real world. Using state-of-the-art technologies, we serve the needs of individual researchers/developers, systems integrators and OEMs.

자동측정시스템 및 데이터 수집분석 제품 전문회사인 UEI (United Electroics Ind.)는 고성능 24채널 ARINC429 제품을 출시하였습니다.

United Electronic Industries (UEI) today announced the release of the DNx-429-516 ARINC 429 interface for use with UEI’s Cube and RACKtangle chassis. With 24 RX and 16 TX channels coupled to a high-performance FPGA, the board provides unprecedented flexibility to record, playback, process, and test their ARINC-429 traffic.

The DNx-429-516 board supports high speed (100 kHz) and low speed (12.5 kHz) operation, selectable on a channel by channel basis. The channel speed can be set to frequencies other than 100 and 12.5 kHz to support legacy devices that “push” the ARINC 429 standard.

256 word FIFOs on all channels ensure data integrity in both directions. The board includes an ARINC 429 receiver connected to each transmit channel. This allows the application to confirm the correct information has been written to the ARINC 429 bus. The TX drivers on the TX/RX channels can be disabled on a channel-by-channel basis allowing TX channels to function as RX.

Channels may transmit asynchronously or based on a hardware-controlled scheduler supporting up to 256 unique schedules. The DNx-429-516 provides a host of helpful filtering capabilities including the ability to only return data from specific labels or from labels whose data has changed since the last read.

The included UEIDAQ Framework provides a comprehensive, easy to use API supporting most popular operating systems and programming languages. The DNx-429-516 is also backed by the UEI’s revolutionary 10-year availability guarantee and 3-year warranty.


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당사는 데이터 수집 분석 및 계측통합시스템 전문회사 입니다. 우수한 성능과 가성비 높은 제품을 국내 보급함과 동시에 사용자 환경에 최적화된 계측통합 시스템을 개발 공급하고 있으며 전압, 전류, 온도, 압력,
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DANA is committed to providing the highest quality DAQ hardware, software and System Integration service, enabling engineers and scientist South Korea. Our customers are researchers/developers, system integrators and OEMs. DANA collects state-of-the-art products for the Aerospace, Energy, semiconductor, Basic Science, Defense and Manufacture industries
allowing our customers to build smart systems that are reliable, flexible and cost performance solutions

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