hybridNETBOX announced and other news items from Spectrum > 새소식


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hybridNETBOX announced and other news items from Spectrum

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작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 5,699회 작성일 20-09-17 14:54


First up is the release of a totally new class of LXI instrument. We’ve called it the hybridNETBOX. It’s a unique product line that combines the AWG technology from our 65xx series products with the digitizer capabilities of the 59xx series. That’s right, in a single DN2 series NETBOX you get a compact bench-top solution for precision multi-channel signal generation and acquisition! Six models are available offering a choice of two, four or eight pairs of matched AWG and digitizer channels.  With their ability to create and acquire electronic signals at the same time, these products are perfect for measurement systems that need to perform automated closed-loop or stimulus-response type testing. Think Radar, Sonar, Lidar or Ultrasound. In ATE applications you can test the functionality and tolerance of DUTs and UUTs by exercising them with numerous, easily adjusted, complex signals. So you’ll find that the hybridNETBOX can be deployed in a host of applications such as Bus testing, MIMO communications, circuit verification, mechatronics and robotics.

Details for the new hybridNETBOX product line, including a full press kit, can be found here https://spectrum-instrumentation.com/sites/default/files/download/20200916_hybridnetbox_multi-channel_awg_and_digitizer_in_one_box.zip. Attached is an updated price list that contains the pricing for the six new products.
To support the hybridNETBOX we’ve also developed some additional marketing material. There’s a short introductory video available here:

To view it on Youku please follow this link: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg1MTkxNDk0NA==.html

This will let you find out all about the hybridNETBOX series in under 4 minutes! Plus we’ve created a new product note that discusses the technology and shows some typical application examples here https://spectrum-instrumentation.com/en/hybridnetbox-awgdigitizer. Please feel free to share this information with your customers and add the content to your own web sites.

22xx series: additional sampling clock speeds
Finally, at the request of several customers, engineering has added some additional sampling clock speeds to our 22xx series of high-speed 8 bit digitizers. The available settings now include the rates of 1, 2 and 4 GS/s (model dependent) in addition to the standard 1.25, 2.5 and 5 GS/s sampling rates. Please note that this is a special clock mode for these products and as such it has a few limitations. Most importantly, the new sampling rates require the selection of a “special” clock mode and this can only be used on single cards (not with cards connected with Star-Hub). By adding these new sampling rates it should be easier for those customers that need to replace old or obsolete digitizers that featured a maximum 1, 2 or 4 GS/s sampling rate setting. Updated data sheets for all the 22xx series products are now on our web site.


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