Raspberry Pi® Thermocouple Measurement HAT from MCC > 새소식


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Raspberry Pi® Thermocouple Measurement HAT from MCC

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 7,653회 작성일 19-06-28 08:30


NORTON, MA. – June 11, 2019 – Measurement Computing Corporation announces the release of the MCC 134 thermocouple measurement HAT for Raspberry Pi. The MCC 134 brings high-quality, temperature measurement capability to the popular low-cost computer.

The device features four thermocouple (TC) inputs capable of measuring the most popular TC types including J, K, R, S, T, N, E, and B. Each channel type is selectable on a per-channel basis.

The MCC 134 features 24-bit resolution and provides professional-grade accuracy which is best in class. Open thermocouple detection lets users monitor for broken or disconnected thermocouples.

Up to eight MCC HATs can be stacked onto one Raspberry Pi. With the already available MCC 118, eight channel voltage measurement HAT and the MCC 152 voltage output and digital I/O HAT, users can configure multifunction, Pi-based solutions with analog input, output, and digital I/O. The growing base of Raspberry Pi users is making single board computers more prevalent in professional DAQ applications.

The open-source MCC DAQ HAT Library of commands in C/C++® and Python™ allows users to develop applications on Linux. The library is available to download from GitHub. Comprehensive API and hardware documentation are also provided.

About Measurement Computing
Measurement Computing designs and manufactures data acquisition devices that are easy to use, easy to integrate, and easy to support. Included software options are extensive and provided for both programmers and non-programmers. Free technical support and low cost of ownership make Measurement Computing the easiest choice for DAQ.

More information about Measurement Computing is available at www.mccdaq.com.

Click below to see a photo of the MCC 134:


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